

Work with us!


IAAT is always keen to partner with organisations where mutual benefits exist to the betterment of adventure tourism. See our partnership options available below and please get in touch with us today! 

Development Partnerships

IAAT has Development Partnerships with national authorities with a focus on the development of our sector within Irish Tourism.

Examples of current Development Partners include Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland.  

Please contact IAAT to discuss a potential partnership.  

Strategic Partnerships

IAAT has Strategic Partnerships with organisations where there is a mutual interest with IAAT, with mutual benefit in working together in a manner to be agreed on a case-by-case basis.

Examples of current Strategic Partners include the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation, Leave No Trace, the European Confederation of Outdoor Employers (EC-OE), the Alliance for Insurance Reform, Sustainable Travel Ireland, and the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA).

Please contact IAAT to discuss a potential partnership.  

Commercial Partnerships

IAAT has Commercial Partnerships with commercial businesses, where there are clear benefits for the membership and sector and a good strategic and cultural with IAAT. 

Examples of current Commercial Partners include Fare Harbor and Call of the Wild.   

Contact IAAT to discuss a potential partnership.

Our Partners