
Frequently Asked Questions

the answers to your questions


The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions across key areas, which members are invited to add and/or amend the information.

How do I join IAAT?

To join, simply complete the form at www.iaat.ie/join-us. If you’d prefer to just make an enquiry, fill out the contact form on the website or email [email protected] and we’ll get back to you asap! 

What are the benefits to being an IAAT member?

The benefits are lengthy and can all be viewed at www.iaat.ie/benefits

What is the criteria required to become an IAAT member?

The full list of criteria can be viewed at www.iaat.ie/membership, with terms & conditions available to review at www.iaat.ie/terms-conditions

I don’t provider adventure activities, can I still join?

Yes! If you have a business in some way related to adventure activities, you may become an Affiliate* member.

*pending board approval
What types of activities do members offer?

Our members offer approximately 50 different types of activity which is growing all the time. You can see a list of current activities HERE. 

How much does it cost to become a member?

Annual fees start from just €150 / £125 (for businesses of a turnover under €125k / ), and all levels can be viewed here: www.iaat.ie/membership

Who are the current IAAT members?

All current members can be viewed here: www.iaat.ie/members. These members may be filtered by location(s), programme area and/or activity(s) offered. 

I cannot get insurance for some or all of my activities, what should I do?

If you are covered by Arachas, please contact [email protected] outlining the nature of your issue and feel free to copy [email protected] on your email. If you are not covered by Arachas, please email [email protected]

I have an issue with my insurance waiver, what should I do?

If you are covered by Arachas, please contact [email protected] outlining the nature of your issue and feel free to copy [email protected] on your email.  If you are not covered by Arachas, please email [email protected]

I have a specific concern that I would like recorded by IAAT for potential action, what should I do?

Please register your concern with IAAT by completing the Contact Us form OR emailing [email protected]

I need support with planning permission, access or other land/infrastructure issue, what should I do?

Please use the Contact Us form OR email [email protected]

You can also get in touch with our CEO at [email protected]


How do you define Adventure Tourism?

Currently, we work off the ATTA definition, where the best types of adventure combine:

  1. Activity
  2. Nature
  3. Interaction with Culture

The ideal adventure travel experience involves all three elements. 90% of adventure tourism is soft adventure – which Ireland is perfect for!