Membership Subscription Form

Please choose an option below based on where your business is registered. 

NOTE: Membership is not live until the IAAT board have approved your submission, after which you will receive confirmation (usually within 72 hours). 

Membership Types

We have a variety of Membership Types to enable businesses and organisations come together in support of the adventure activity tourism sector.

Affiliate Members

Affiliate members are those businesses in all areas of tourism & hospitality. Such businesses often wish to be connected with adventure tourism companies, often as suppliers – enabling real cross-sectoral collaboration on the island of Ireland.


ADVENTURE TOURISM BUSINESSES The main category of membership is adventure activity operators. That is a business that, may be any tourist activity, including two of the following three components: a physical activity, a cultural exchange or interaction and engagement with nature.

Associate Membership

Associate members are those businesses involved in the delivery of adventure activities, but who are in receipt of significant state funding that subsidises operating costs. Examples include: education & training boards, outdoor education centres.